Its been a while since I last blogged… againL well sometimes, when you get used of not doing something, its really hard to get back on it. Just like blogging. Hehe JBut anyways, just an update from me on what happened for that two quiet months of my life. JUNE was a pretty boring month just doing the same stuffs over and over again. Work for weekdays then church and family and love one at weekends.
JULY was jampacked. Good and bad… happy and sad… laughter and tears… The most important thing is, lessons were learned and been very thankful to God for bringing wonderful people in my life – family and friends - to love, to care, to understand, to listen, to correct and to be joyful with me. And to that someone who has been with me through all of this, you’re my precious gift from God. Couldn’t have done it without you holding my hand and telling me it’s gonna be okay.
Start of August was blast! 01st to 3rd of August was spent in the Youth Camp at Suan Nong Nooch Resort at Prachiburri.
VENUE - The place was heavenly…. very, very nice. The camp site is so big it won’t be advisable to walk if you want to tour in the place. There were lots of facilities and amenities to enjoy. There’s the flying fox, a small lake where you can do paddle boats and canoe, a rope bridge, a big soccer field behind the big rocks, a cactus garden, a small pool, a mini-zoo where you can see deer and big ostriches, a cage where you can see chickens and rabbits together, grass maze, a rusty tunnel, a hanging rope bridge, a climbing thingy, a mess hall, a Thai house, nice rooms, bikes, and wonderful people to serve you.
PEOPLE – Ps. Chad, Ate Renz, Navie, Auntie Su, Jove, Ivy, Pong, Angel, Vianne, Eddie, Oti, Gift, Praise, Joy, Jadze, Joshua, Hye Min, Sae Hee, Min Ha, Winnie, Gabi, Jerrica, Hannah, Reuben, Chao, Taihei, Bruyole, Jonathan, Acts, Joanna and ME! Three Groups – Justice League of P, X-Men and Incredibles. Super Counselors – Jove, Ivy and Me. Super Mommy – Ate Renz. Super Auntie – Pi Su. Everybody’s Clown – Navviiieee. Super Duper Pastor – PMC. Funny, amazing and wonderful people. One word – BLESSINGS. Knowing them, being with them, taking a part of their life and mine and putting it together, knowing God together, worshipping together and making memories with these people is just simply awesome. Thank you God for this kind of blessing you’ve given me.
WORD – Simple but true. Basic but important. Sitting there, looking at them, and remembering the times when I was the one in their place. The preaching was very powerful… reminding me of the simple but important things… rekindling the joy of my salvation… going back to my first love… becoming a true worshipper of God… going extreme for Jesus…. Being a radical Christian…. Being a Jesus freak….
Its been a while since I last blogged… againL well sometimes, when you get used of not doing something, its really hard to get back on it. Just like blogging. Hehe JBut anyways, just an update from me on what happened for that two quiet months of my life. JUNE was a pretty boring month just doing the same stuffs over and over again. Work for weekdays then church and family and love one at weekends.
JULY was jampacked. Good and bad… happy and sad… laughter and tears… The most important thing is, lessons were learned and been very thankful to God for bringing wonderful people in my life – family and friends - to love, to care, to understand, to listen, to correct and to be joyful with me. And to that someone who has been with me through all of this, you’re my precious gift from God. Couldn’t have done it without you holding my hand and telling me it’s gonna be okay.
Start of August was blast! 01st to 3rd of August was spent in the Youth Camp at Suan Nong Nooch Resort at Prachiburri.
VENUE - The place was heavenly…. very, very nice. The camp site is so big it won’t be advisable to walk if you want to tour in the place. There were lots of facilities and amenities to enjoy. There’s the flying fox, a small lake where you can do paddle boats and canoe, a rope bridge, a big soccer field behind the big rocks, a cactus garden, a small pool, a mini-zoo where you can see deer and big ostriches, a cage where you can see chickens and rabbits together, grass maze, a rusty tunnel, a hanging rope bridge, a climbing thingy, a mess hall, a Thai house, nice rooms, bikes, and wonderful people to serve you.
PEOPLE – Ps. Chad, Ate Renz, Navie, Auntie Su, Jove, Ivy, Pong, Angel, Vianne, Eddie, Oti, Gift, Praise, Joy, Jadze, Joshua, Hye Min, Sae Hee, Min Ha, Winnie, Gabi, Jerrica, Hannah, Reuben, Chao, Taihei, Bruyole, Jonathan, Acts, Joanna and ME! Three Groups – Justice League of P, X-Men and Incredibles. Super Counselors – Jove, Ivy and Me. Super Mommy – Ate Renz. Super Auntie – Pi Su. Everybody’s Clown – Navviiieee. Super Duper Pastor – PMC. Funny, amazing and wonderful people. One word – BLESSINGS. Knowing them, being with them, taking a part of their life and mine and putting it together, knowing God together, worshipping together and making memories with these people is just simply awesome. Thank you God for this kind of blessing you’ve given me.
WORD – Simple but true. Basic but important. Sitting there, looking at them, and remembering the times when I was the one in their place. The preaching was very powerful… reminding me of the simple but important things… rekindling the joy of my salvation… going back to my first love… becoming a true worshipper of God… going extreme for Jesus…. Being a radical Christian…. Being a Jesus freak….
Dear Lord,
At times, it felt like since I’ve known you for a long time, I already knew all of you. But I was very wrong. Thank you for bringing me back to your heart and for reminding me of your love which is the most important thing of all…
For the past weeks, I’ve seen how you’ve answered my prayers and how you’ve answered it in a way that I don’t exactly like but just perfect… for me to learn… for me to appreciate the people whom you’ve blessed me with and for me to realize that YOU are sovereign and in control.
I love you Lord …
Thank you for the opportunity to grow in life… but even if; I’ll still be Your little girl.

eloizagerl - blessed beyond what i can imagine :P