truly it is...
in His love, that's the best place to be...
Last night, I started reading the book "In the presence of my enemies" by Gracia Burnham.That book has been with me for a long time but it was just only last night that I really started reading it. The book is about the story of the American Missionaries Gracia and Martin Burnhams who was kidnapped by the Abu Sayaff. During the actual time, (between 2001 and 2002) they have been all over the news around the globe. I can even remember a time that our church prayed for their safety.
While I was reading it, I look back in my life and remember the times I felt the same way as they did. Nervous... sad... alone... deserted... depressed... well, I haven't been kidnapped nd hopefully will not experience that. They are totally different situations, but the point is, the feelings are the same. And all of us go through that... whether its a relationship that just ended, or a frustration on something we can't have, or a death of someone we love, or just simply being lost in an unfamiliar place. There's always that time in our life that we feel like we were kidnapped... trapped... helpless... I remembered those times and honestly, it still looks real... it still gives back those feelings.
In the midst of that, I remembered this song... In His love, there's a place where you can always hide away... During those times that we know we're in that condition, that's when we should know that we can hide under God's love. I know this book is not about to encourage people to get angry at God because He lets things like this happen in our lives. It's about how God's love can shine through the darkness we are in... how His love can be amazingly perfect to make us feel okay... and how God's love can be there to embrace us and heal our hurts.
Sometimes, we are so caught up in our lives and all the things we want to have and things we want to achieve, we tend to forget the simple things that really matters. Last night... I just got reminded on one of it. God's love is my hiding place... I am safe there...
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