Friday, March 24, 2006

why "The Beloved?"

/beloved/ – somebody who is loved very much, darling, adored, dearly-loved

It may be as common as sweetheart or honey or baby… but for me it means something else… something more intense, with more passion, with deep intimacy. Just try imagining “Eloisa – The Beloved” wow! What a feeling!

“…for I have transgressed and He loved me still…”

I am an ordinary person… living in an ordinary world. I have different experiences, unique ways to live life, diverse reactions in circumstances. But I am no exception. I have sinned… and made offense… but HE LOVED ME STILL. It’s a well-known fact. I know it. All of us knew it. But I’m still overwhelmed. Maybe because I am a late-bloomer in terms of really understanding that matter. You see, knowing something doesn’t equal to understanding that thing. And I am overjoyed because I have finally comprehended the reality of that truth …that my God has died for me… for this offender whom He has chosen to love.

I will always be thrilled looking forward to that day when I will face my Creator and I will hear HIM say “ELOISA – MY BELOVED.”

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